Get your digital strength score
Request a review of your digital capabilities against well-known competitors. We will do a side-by-side comparison and show how your business stacks up. Use the data to build better, more effective online strategies.
Your digital strength review
This side-by-side competitive assessment covers the user frontend experience and showcases areas of excellence and identifies opportunities for growth.
We have helped many retail and B2C operators analyze their current ecommerce site against competitors.
With in-depth report-card style take-away analysis, businesses have found value in the insights and have taken action to improve their online experience.
View a sample digital strength review report here.
What insights are we reporting on?
- Content completeness
- Checkout functionality
- Customer experience
- Mobile
- Site search
- Performance
- Front-end commerce platform
- Personalization
Not sure how a digital strength review will help?
Get your digital strength score
With just a few critical pieces of information, our team will provide a personalized analysis report against one of your competitors.
Report – Eight essential ecommerce trends for retail & B2C
Based on our independent analysis of more than 100 leaders in the B2C and retail ecommerce space, these trends highlight how development, experience design, and content management systems are the primary tools used to gain a competitive edge.